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Internship Evaluation Of Muslim Commercial Bank Limited - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2364 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? The word BANK is derived from Latin word BANKO/BANCUS which means a bench at which the money changers used to change one kind of money into other. Adam Smith also point out another feature of earliest banks that is to make loans to and float loans. The Bank of Venice founded in 1157, was the first public banking institution. Founders of Commercial Bank Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Internship Evaluation Of Muslim Commercial Bank Limited" essay for you Create order There are three founder of commercial bank the merchants, the money lenders and the goldsmiths. Merchants The one founder of commercial bank is merchants. In the earlier days merchants were considered very honest people because of their strong financial positions so in 14th century the Italian merchants shifted towards England and start a business of lending money on interest basis Money Lender The second founder of commercial banking is money lender. In the start money lender lend their own money or capital to the needy people and get profit on it but after sometime they start the business of barrowing money from the rich people at low interest rate and further lend it to the needy people at higher interest rate. Now a days this is the main function of modern banking. Goldsmiths Last but not the least the third founder of commercial banking is goldsmiths. Goldsmiths were also considered very honest in the past and people give their valuable things with them like gold, silver and cash because they have the iron-safes. So the needy people came and request for loans so goldsmiths star the business to get loans to the needy people and receive profit on it and then give some parentage to the depositor also. 1.1 History of MCB MCB was formed on July 9, 1947 by Adamjee group. At that time MCB was established with the aim of providing banking facilities. MCB was incorporated with the authorized capital of 15 million. MCB was nationalized in 1974 and then privatized in 1991 and at that time MCB was the first bank to be privatized. In June 2008 Nishat Group owns the majority stakes of MCB. Mian Mohammad mansha is now the chairman of Nishat Group and also of MCB. MCB has a customer of more than 4 Million and have wide branches network of more than 1000 and have more than 450 ATMs in the markets. From last 15 years MCB is focusing on their growth by improving their service quality, technology, investment and employee relations. They are also focusing on opening new branches in different areas of Pakistan in order to strong their banking network. 1.1.1 Present Status of MCB Vision Statement: to be the leading financial services provider, partnering with our customer for a more prosperous and secure future. Mission Statement: We are a team of committed professionals, providing innovative and efficient financial solutions to create and nurture long-term relationships with our customers. In doing so, we insure that our share holder can invest with confidence in us. MCB is operating from last 63 years and have more than 1000 branches all over the country. The branches break up provinces wise Punjab 61 %, Sind 22%, K.P.K 11 %, Baluchistan 4% and Azad Kashmir 2%. Currently MCB have authorized capital of Rs. 6500 million and have paid up capital of Rs.5463 million. Industry Banking Founded 1947 Headquarters Principal Office: Karachi, Pakistan Registered Office: Islamabad, Pakistan Key people Mian Mohammad Mansha (Chairman) Products Loans, Credit Cards, Savings, Consumer Banking etc. Revenue PKR 35.782 Billion Net Income PKR 26.753 Billion Objectives of MCB: Like every organization MCB has also developed some objectives. They are as following: To encourage growth and development of bank. To attract more deposits in order to increase their raw material in terms of cash. To utilize resources more efficiently in order to get high productivity and also to maximize the shareholders wealth. To change the environment of traditional banking to online-banking. To play their role in the economic development of Pakistan. To satisfy its customer through its high quality services. To dispose off the credit claim quickly. 1.3 Organizational Structure: Like every organization MCB also requires an efficient organizational structure to perform its activities successful. Because it gives the basic framework within which the bank performs its functions and procedures. The organizational structure of MCB is developed to achieve its objectives. The organization structure is somehow flat with few hierarchical levels and greater specialization of functions. All of these functions are aimed at improving efficiency, reducing cost; improving decision making and assigning responsibilities. Another significant policy of MCB is Customer Convenience. All of the structure procedures and systems of MCB are designed to serve their customers in the best possible way. The MCB organizational structure is developed to satisfy its customer in any possible manner and till now they achieved excellence results from its customers. MCB is one of the largest and complicated organization of Pakistan and having many branches and administrative offices all over the country.. Board of Directors (BOD) The current BOD consists of the following members. Mian Muhammad Mansha Chairman S.M. Muneer Vice Chairman M. U. A. Usmani President Chief Executive Tariq Rafi Director Shahzad Saleem Director Sarmad Amin Director Mian Raza Mansha Director Mian Umar Mansha Director Aftab Ahmad Khan Director Atif Yaseen Director Dr. Muhammad Yaqub Director Span of Control MCB is a very large organization with many branches in different areas of country. So it is managed with decentralization of authority. All the executives including Senior Executive Vice President (SEVPs), General Managers (GMs), Regional Managers (RMs), Vice Presidents (VPs) and Branch Managers have given a limited authority to manage their work and make decisions. But still many decisions of great importance are made by Top Management for control purposes. So we can say that there is a mix of centralization and decentralization authority in MCB. 1.4 Product and Services: Like other banks MCB is also providing different types of new and innovative products and services to its valued customers and also providing financial instruments that are safe and sound and protected. Following are products and services that MCB is offering to its valued customers. 1.4.1 MCB Virtual: In MCB virtual service customer can check his account details by simply login to MCB website i.e. 1.4.2 MCB Islamic Banking: MCB introduced Islamic Banking which is interest free banking or in other words its a RIBA free banking. If a customer deposit/barrow any asset in Islamic Banking sector so he/she will not receive or pay any interest on it. 1.4.3 MCB Car4U: MCB provides different models of cars to the interested customer on affordable monthly installments 1.4.4 MCB Smart Card: It gives the facility to customer to access their account 24 hours while doing purchasing. 1.4.5 MCB Lockers MCB provides customer with a protection to their valuable assets. 1.4.6 Credit Cards Customer can do shopping through credit cards any where in Pakistan. 1.4.7 MCB Mobile Banking: The customer can get information about the account balance through mobile by just sending an SMS. 1.4.8 Khushali Bachat Account: It is an advance type of saving account which provides some additional facilities to customers regarding Utility Bills payment and Loan Installments with extra costs. 1.4.9 Others: There are some other products or services that MCB is offering are MCB ATM Services, MCB ATM Bill Pay, Working Capital Loans, Term Loans, Personal Loans, Utility Bills Collection, Hajj Mubarak Scheme, Current Account, PLS Account, Demand Drafts (DD) and Mail Transfer (MT) to their customers. Learning and Experience: 2.1 Internship Duration Rationale for Selection I have done my internship in MCB Lalkurti branch Rawalpindi. Phone no. 0515111265 E-mail: [emailprotected]/* */ The duration of my internship is 6 weeks i.e. (19th July 2010-30 August 2010) The rational for selection is mainly reference Main departments of MCB are Cash department, Remittance department, Clearing department, Foreign exchange department, Credit and advances department. 2.2 Details of training department wise I have worked in different departments and also get some information from the employees where I didnt work. Following are the different departments where I have worked Foreign exchange department Clearing department Account opening Transfer (only get some information from employee) Billing (only get some information from the employee) 2.2.1 Customer Service Officer Under the customer service officer I learned about how fill online transfer fund form and deposit slip and for opening an account what documents are needed to be attached with account opening form. Following are different types of Account Individual Account Sole Proprietorship Partnership Joint Stock company Societies Association/Club/Trust Documents needed for opening an Account I have only learned about the individual, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Joint Stock Company. For Individual Account you need to fill the Account Opening Form and sign it, Fill KYC Form, Copy of CNIC, Copy of latest utility bill and Signature on Specimen Card For Sole Proprietorship you need to fill Account Opening Form along with KYC Form, Signature on specimen card, Copy of CNIC, Copy of utility bill having business address. For Partnership you need to fill Account Opening Form KYC Form, Signature on Specimen Card, Copy of CNIC of all partners, Copy of partnership deed and copy of registration if firm is registered. For Joint Stock Company you need to fill the Account Opening Form KYC Form, Signature on Specimen Card, Copies CNIC of all the directors, Copy of Memorandum of Association and Article of Association, Copy of resolution of board of directors for opening an Account with the name of Company, Copy of Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of business. 2.2.2 Foreign Exchange In this section or department the customer can receive the money send by their relatives from any foreign country. Foreign exchange officer have all the information in his computer that who send the money, from where he send the money, amount of money with a 16, 12 or 8 digits cord. When the customer came to the foreign exchange officer and request for so the officer first ask some questions i.e name of the person who send money, from where he send money and then officer ask for the cord and original CNIC if all of the information is correct then the officer take print of that page and also fill a advice and signed by the customer and also attach a copy of CNIC and then pass a transition in the register after all this transaction customer can receive his money from cash counter. 2.2.3 Clearing 2.3 SWOT Analysis: Strengths: Following are some of the major strengths of MCB The biggest strength of MCB is its reputation in the market. As MCB is one of the oldest banks of Pakistan so it has highly skillful and managed workforce. MCB is working from last 63 years so the customer satisfaction is also very high. MCB focus on team work or team based approach. MCB is continuously improving its services quality. Employees of MCB respect each other i.e joiners respects their seniors. MCB have a wild network of ATMs through out the country. Now online banking is also an effective strength of MCB. MCB now provide mobile banking to its customers also. Last but not the least the financial position of MCB is also a very good strength of it. Weaknesses: Following are the weaknesses of MCB The major and biggest weakness of MCB is employee job dissatisfaction. In MCB promotions are generally done on the basis of seniority. In MCB more employees are young so they easily switch any other organization in order to learn more skills. MCB have weak advertisements promotions. Opportunities: Following are the major opportunities for MCB MCB can go internationally. MCB can introduce new schemes of deposits and finance can introduce regularly. MCB can offer free staff training seminars. MCB can earn more profit by providing loans and advances to farmers and industrialists at low rate. MCB can increase its branches network more efficiently by opening new branches in rural areas. Threats: Following are some threats for MCB The biggest threat to MCB is the current economic condition of Pakistan. In Pakistan now a days different banks are working so there is a strong competition between them so strong competition is another threat for MCB. The Political in stability is also a big threat for MCB. Now foreign banks are also enter in Pakistan and they use much budget on marketing to capture the market so it is also a threat for MCB. Last but not the least high interest rates are also a major threat for MCB. 2.4 Recommendations After doing the internship in MCB and deeply studying all the information regarding MCB I will give few recommendations. First of all MCB have strong financial position and earning more profits day by day so according to me the salaries of employees must be increased because currently MCB didnt provide good salaries to its employees. Secondly MCB must have to improve its marketing strategies and come up with heavy advertisements i.e TV advertisements, newspaper and magazine etc because currently MCB is not investing much on its promotion if they do so they can capture more market share. I observed that the employees of MCB are strike to one seat and are particularly performing one job and specialized in it and they didnt know about any other field or job so they must be rotated timely in order to expert in every field. Incentives and bonuses must be given to the employees in order to motivate them towards their work. Any such system must be developed by which every employee who is facing any problem from his officer can communicate it with higher management in order to remove that problem. Conclusion MCB is one of those organizations who is efficiently operating on their set procedures and making profit. MCB fallow the guidelines of SBP in other words State Bank of Pakistan provides policies to the banks operating in Pakistan and MCB is one of them. I worked in the Lalkurti branch of MCB and during my internship I learn a lot about banking sector and practically do different tasks e.g Account opening, online funds transfer and much more. Now I am quit capable to deal with customers. By concluding this report I will say that MCB is a very good organization for long term carrier because the staff is very friendly with each other and respectful too.

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