Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Inequality Boys vs. Girls Essay - 2289 Words

Gender Inequality: Boys vs. Girls Sex-role stereotyping creeps into the life of the school throughout the entire day. In elementary schools every subject children learn and every period they experience can contribute to preserving out-moded, sex-biased attitudes and limitations. (Shapiro,, 1981) Bias books represent girls and boys in different roles. Gym classes have boys lifting weights for strength and girls involved in aerobics for flexibility. Math classes contend girls against boys on games like math jeopardy. History presents men in leadership positions and women in supporting roles. Every child knows by school age what male/female role expectations are. A male should be strong, silent, logical, brave, and competitive.†¦show more content†¦(Davidson, 2002) Related to these inequities in the classroom is the fact that boys are more inclined to call out in the classroom without punishment. Supporting the brave, competitive aspect of male behavioral expectations. In opposition to boys, girls get less attention because teachers often view them as needing less one on one attention. When a girl calls out, she is often reprimanded and told that calling out is â€Å"inappropriate behavior†. This inattentive approach to educating young girls could be associated with the fact that on standardized achievement tests girls typically surpass males in writing ability, reading achievement, and certain other verbal skills. (Bleuer Walz, 2002) Despite the fact that there lies only a small difference between girls and boys on logical, mathematical task teachers’ perceived boys to be significantly more able than girls. (Gray Leith, 2004) Girls often internalize this gender favoritism promoting hostility, alienation, poor school performance, failure and despair. These often-unconscious acts by teachers could play a role in the shocking statistics that nationally girls are 50 percent more likely to suffer from depression than boys are. (Morgan, 2002) Insensitive behaviors towards girls on the part of the female authority figure in the classroom sends a powerful message to little girls that boys should be assertive and girls should be passive. (Davidson, 2002) Consequently, girls spend more time listening and watchingShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality Between India And India1225 Words   |  5 PagesGender inequality in India is referred to as fitness, education, political possibilities inequality bet. Diverse worldwide gender inequality indices rank India in a different way on each of these factors, as well as on a complicated basis, and those courses are arguable. Gender inequalities, and its social causes, impact India s intercourse ratio, girls s health over their lifetimes, their academic attainment, and monetary situations. 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