Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gun Control In america today Essay Example For Students

Gun Control In america today Essay Handgun ControlFrom time to time, we read in the newspapers and see it on TV about young children die or are badly injured because their parents or other gun owners don’t store their firearms properly, and children find loaded guns, use them unintentionally on themselves or other children. Also those scary school and church shootings that shocked many people around the nation. Can you fathom a more horrible way to die than by a large-caliber bullet? Gun situation in the United States today has become a serious problem. It is serious enough that guns should be banned or controlled. If we didn’t own a handgun, these tragic would never happened, therefore, we should not allowed every person to own a handgun or at least a tougher handgun control law should be enforced to keep those criminals from reaching a handgun. In the following paragraphs we will explore the ideas whether owning a handgun will prevent crimes, and safe for the kids or they are just dangerous to our soci ety. Ever since the handguns are invented, many people have used them to commit crimes such as robbery, rape, and revenge. However handguns are not only used in committing crimes. Teenagers use guns for impulse suicides and for crimes, many young children are either seriously injured or killed by the handguns that adults carelessly leave loaded and laying around their homes. Even if they didn’t die from the shooting, they might be disabled for rest of their life, their life have been forever changed. Just imagine the pain and suffering they will experience, they are far more than most of the people do in a lifetime. On the other hand, how many violent crimes involving guns are committed each year? A lot! Advocates of gun control frequently argue that there is no defensible reason for innocent people to own handguns because they want to use them as self-defense when they are encountering a dangerous situation. But they are far from reality that innocent people with no criminals back grounds these days are using handguns to kill people who they go to work with, people who they once loved, people who they hate. Just read the well-known newspapers for the past three years see how many innocent people got killed by the person they once knew as friend or co-worker. Therefore, banning handguns will keep those people from obtaining guns. Or with tough gun control laws, it will be hard for people, especially the ones with the criminal backgrounds to get a handgun, it will prevent them from hurting other people in the future. It is often agued by the gun advocates that handguns are used to prevent crimes, not just shooting innocent people. Gun owners say they have a gun mainly for protection. Some say that protection from crime is at least one of the reasons they own guns. In fact, criminals might be more likely to be killed by armed victims who resist them than by the police. Gun advocates also claim that an increase in crime might appears if a tightening of controls on gun ownership. But fewer children would probably fall victim to a handgun in the home because eventually the number of firearms in homes would diminish. However if guns were entirely eliminated from U.S. homes altogether, criminals would probably be easier to break into homes because they would know the chances of being shot by a homeowner are less. Whether we stand for or against gun ownership, the fact remains that everyone who owns a handgun should take care that these guns remain unloaded and unavailable to children in the home. Those of us who do not have a gun should take the time to understand gun safety, just in case we should unexpectedly happen upon one or we encounter someone who carelessly displays a firearm to us. Would tougher gun control laws make our lives safer? Maybe they will or maybe they will make it worse. The chances are: many of the tragedies that we read about every day can be prevented with stronger gun laws that make it tougher for kids and criminals to get guns.

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